Hi, I'm Ozan Andaç. I'm currently studying as an Industrial Engineering student at Yıldız Teknik University and working as a Fullstack Web Developer.
To talk about my past experiences and career development, I can call myself a Full-stack Web Developer with more than 4 years of experience. I've done dozens of personal projects such as websites with both backend and frontend, PHP/Python scripts, automation apps, desktop applications, server setup (NGINX configuration, reverse proxy, load balancers), and coding challenges.
To detail my past job experiences, I can say that I've generally taken freelance jobs related to Frontend development and automation bot coding. Currently working on multiple startups as a Full-stack Web Developer and generally using MERN stack to develop web apps.
I've worked on a couple of start-ups including fields such as Web3, E-Commerce, etc.
I have solid experience in backend development with PHP and Node.js. I've worked with Database Management Systems such as Firebase Realtime Database, phpMyAdmin (MySQL), and MongoDB (NoSQL). Beyond that, I'm getting used to new technologies like Web3.js. One of the startups I'm currently working at is engaged in blockchain technologies.
Besides the multiple jobs I'm working on, I also develop personal projects right now. One of them is related to artificial intelligence since it's quite popular nowadays. I'll keep developing both personal and commercial projects until I graduate from university.
My Skillset
This portfolio page has been coded by myself using HTML5 & SASS & Javascript. My goal is to introduce myself to people via oynozan.com

HTML5, SASS, Javascript, PHP
durbun.net is a SEO-friendly article generator website that uses enhanced AI technology. It's possible to generate articles that contains thousands of words in minutes.

React, Node.js, MongoDB, Socket.io, OpenAI API
Cobaltext is a open source light-weight coding editor has been developing with Electron.js

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Electron.js, Node.js
Epoir is the most reliable frontend library to create projects with HTML, CSS, and Javascript

HTML, SASS, Javascript
Trident Ventures
Trident Ventures is a Web Development & UI/UX & Programming agency that provides advanced solutions for its clients.

Epoir Blog
Epoir also has a blog that contains technology news and coding tutorials.

Wordpress, CSS
pixeling.io is an NFT advertising project that lets users buy pixels with BNB on a 3000x1500 canvas. Each pixel is worth 1$ of BNB. pixeling.io is a great opportunity to make an advertisement for a project or NFT collection.

Web3.js, p5.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Socket.io
WebToDesktop is a tkinter (Python) application that turns websites into Electron apps just using their URL

Python, Javascript, Electron.js
Voccabulary is a mobile app developed by myself. Voccabulary shows random English word with its definition, usage and translation to Turkish. Also it built with React Native.

React Native
Quick Arithmetic
Quick Arithmetic is a mobile app that asks randomly generated arithmetic questions to user. The idea is user will make faster his/her mind by solving questions in limited time.

React Native
A Pokedex application built with React and PokeAPI

React, HTML, CSS, APIs
I've worked at a project named SteamCardStore as a Frontend developer

React, SASS, MUI
I've worked on Gossipa social media startup as a Backend developer for tasks such as Login/Register system, posting system, notification system and some styling with HTML&CSS.

PHP, Javascript, MySQL, AJAX
KGHYPE is a complex e-commerce website to manage shipping of products and make customers come together with their products with the cheapest way possible. I've worked as a Fullstack dev and currently managing updates for the website.

React, Firebase
Defi Oracle
Defi Oracle is a cryptocurrency staking project. I worked as a Fullstack Web developer at this project.

React, Express, Web3.js
GrayManGames is a server provider for couple of games that is published in Steam. I worked as a Frontend developer (and as a partly Backend developer) in this project.

React, Firebase
Internet Club
Internet Club is a website that lets students and teachers to store and organize their club informations and other vital informations

React, Express, Node.js
I've made the landing page of a startup named HouseDAO

Nature Design
I've worked on a project that focuses on letting users do calculations in order to save environment.

HTML5, SCSS, Javascript, Node.js
Journal is a diary app with the following functionalities: Adding Journal, Deleting Journal, Viewing Journal. Also built with Electron.js and used SQLite3
Github Repository
Javascript, Electron.js, SQLite3
A simple TODO Application with the following functionalities: Adding Item, Removing Item, Completing a Task. Also built with Electron.js and SQLite3.
Github Repository
Javascript, Electron.js, SQLite3
MP3 Player
A simple MP3 Player built with Python/tkinter and used PyGame library for audio
Github Repository
Python, tkinter
Spam Program
A simple spam program with following functionalities: Click spam, Keyboard spam, Refresh spam. This application built with tkinter for test purposes.
Github Repository
Python, tkinter
Pong Game
Pong game built with p5.js & Javascript. It also includes an opponent which simply follows the balls Y-axis coordinates.
Github Repository
Javascript, p5.js

Javascript, p5.js